swifco_rs.reproduction module

swifco_rs.reproduction.default_reproduction(breeding_month=[0.06, 0.1, 0.23, 0.34, 0.07, 0.08, 0.06, 0.03, 0.03, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], litter_size=[0.00342, 0.013014, 0.06892, 0.162347, 0.249092, 0.249092, 0.162347, 0.06892, 0.019038, 0.00342, 0.000399])

Females reproduce only once a year if at least at sub-adult age. Individual females reproduce depending on the season with a peak in March ([EFSA_2012]). In the first week of the year, female individuals are checked for their ability to breed. Starting with the oldest individuals and up to the breeding capacity \(BC_{ij}\) of the habitat cell, females are allowed to breed. The week of breeding is individually assigned by drawing of weekly probabilities, rooted in the data-based monthly probability distribution ([Bieber_Ruf_2005], [EFSA_2012]). Litter size is drawn from data-based truncated normal distribution ([Bieber_Ruf_2005], [EFSA_2012]).


breeding_month - distribution of breeding month, given as relative weights

litter_size - distribution of litter size, given as relative weights (first element stands for size 0)